Demi Lovato's new album art.
Photo: Hollywood Records
We initially thought Demi Lovato's "Heart Attack" single art was edgy, but our girl really outdid herself for her DEMI album. Miss Lovato first teased the art this morning with a tweet directing her fans to a site where they could "scratch" to reveal the full photo. Several clicks and nine panels later, Demi serves excellent smoldering face for the album cover, clad in little more than black lipstick and smudgy silver body paint.
Beyond the fact that this photo makes a lot more sense now, the album art for DEMI shows our girl D in a new, way more avant-garde light. So much about her styling is severe—the harsh slicked back ponytail, the bold brow, and, of course, the matching black nails and lips. But there's a vulnerability to it, too. I mean, duhhh, the girl is not wearing any clothes, but also, are those freckles we see across her cheeks and nose? She might not be wearing any foundation! We're not sold on the glitter paint as an IRL steez, but this DEMI might be single-handedly convincing us to try black lips for summer AND teaching us the right way to wear the look: with a fresh, bare face.
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